Eliminating your frustrations. Do you recognise any of these? 


After analysing over 70,000 businesses, business owners in the study shared their most acute frustrations. **

Switzerland Structure

Recurring Revenue

Hub & Spoke

Do you feel overly dependent on a single 

customer, employee or supplier? 

Do you struggle to appropriately plan for the 

resources you will need in the future?

Is your business too dependent on you? 

The Value Builder Score is an interactive tool that gives you a comprehensive assessment of your businessWhen you complete the Value Builder Score questionnaire, you’ll get an overall Value Builder Score out of 100 plus your score on the eight key drivers of value, which are statistically proven to increase the value of your business.

** We worked with a Certified Value Builder™ firm called Business Doctors, who selected a group of 30 business owners to study as they went through The Value Builder System™. These 30 companies were selected from a wide variety of industries and had revenue ranging from approximately $250K – $3.5 million. They analysed their Value Builder Score when they started the program, at the four-month mark, and again at the eight-month mark.

Freedom inspires our people.

Let’s work to secure freedom for you too.