Clarity, confidence and control. Let’s make them yours.
Please contact your Adviser as soon as possible if you have any concerns or want to provide feedback or make a complaint. In our experience, issues can often be resolved quickly and simply in this way. If you are not satisfied with the response, please complete a feedback form.
If your feedback is related to a concern or complaint and you are not satisfied with how your Adviser has sought to resolve it , please complete the Collins SBA feedback form, which will be sent to our Advice Dispute Resolution Team for management. Alternatively, you may post a letter to us at the address shown below.
The Advice Dispute Resolution team will review your form and provide acknowledgment of receiving your feedback within one (1) business day of your form being submitted. We will also explain the likely timeframe in which you can expect a response. Often, we can resolve matters within five (5) business days, however we may take up to 30 days to provide a response for financial advice complaints. The time taken will naturally depend upon the nature or complexity of the issue you have raised.
We are all passionate about providing remarkable experiences – to each other and our valued clients. Our shared goal is to find solutions and to say ‘thank you’ for the opportunity to resolve. If, for some reason, you are not satisfied with how we have resolved your issue or complaint, you have the right to escalate your financial advice concerns to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), of which Collins SBA is a member. AFCA’s details are below.
Alternatively you can address written correspondence to:
Advice Dispute Resolution Team, Collins SBA Advice, GPO Box 1082, Hobart, Tasmania 7001
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) is available for escalation of complaints concerning financial advice services only, as provided under our Australian Financial Services License (AFSL 488301).
For escalation of complaints concerning accounting services, the governing organisations are Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and Certified Practising Accountants Australia (CPA) Our team are available at anytime to help you navigate the process of each organisation.
One team. All the knowledge.
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