16 January 2023
Does giving and receiving feedback make a difference?

Feedback is a powerful tool that can help a business across many areas. Feedback helps improve communication and collaboration within teams, which can lead to more effective decision-making and problem-solving.
Check out these benefits, popular frameworks for giving and receiving feedback and three (3) video’s with a little more to learn about feedback.
The benefits of giving and receiving feedback:
1. Improving performance by helping individuals understand how they are perceived and what they are doing well and not so well. This provides the opportunity to make adjustments to improve performance.
2. Enhancing communication between individuals and teams as it helps to keep everyone on the same page and ensure misunderstandings or issues are addressed in a timely manner.
3. Building trust by ensuring team members feel they are being heard and their contributions are valued.
4. Fostering a culture of growth as team members have the opportunity to learn and improve and to help keep team members engaged, motivated and committed to the goals of the business.
5. Improving relationships by helping team members to understand each other’s perspective and facilitate resolutions of conflict. Also helps build deeper empathy and can foster mutual respect.
Videos that discuss the topic of feedback:
“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brene Brown who discusses the importance of vulnerability in giving and receiving feedback. She explains that when we’re vulnerable, we are more likely to be open and receptive to feedback, which can help us to grow and improve.
Thanks for the feedback by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen and this short summary video provides and opportunity to learn more about receiving feedback. This includes Truth Triggers, Relationship Triggers and Identity Trigger.
The secret to giving great feedback | The way we work, a TED series. Humans have been coming up with ways to give constructive criticism for centuries, but somehow we’re still pretty terrible at it. Cognitive psychologist LeeAnn Renniger shares a scientifically proven method for giving effective feedback.
Popular frameworks for giving and receiving feedback:
“The Sandwich” method: This is a popular technique for delivering feedback, which involves sandwiching negative feedback between two positive comments. For example, “I appreciate the effort you put into this project, but I think we could have done better on this particular aspect, and overall your contributions were valuable.”
“The Star” method: This is a way of giving feedback on specific actions or behaviours. The STAR stands for situation, task, action and result. It’s a clear and structured way of giving feedback that allows for a more specific and actionable feedback.
“The Feedback Ladder”: This is a model that describes the different levels of feedback, from most specific and concrete to most abstract and general. It starts from the bottom with feedback on specific behaviours, goes up to feedback on impact, and finally, up to feedback on the overall sense of self.
Let’s chat about the feedback models you have used or how to embed feedback into your business as a tool for improving performance.